Honduras Coffee

Coffee from Honduras is wet processed, usually inconspicuous in quality and a good basis for mixing. Since a handful of coffee beans from Honduras almost arrive in the United States, you may not have the opportunity to compare this coffee to other Central American coffee.

Caturra, Typica and Bourbon varieties can be found in Honduras, with classifications ranging from “central standards” to “high maturity” to “strictly high yields”. Honduras has all the environmental factors: soil, altitude, climate and farmers, and their level of training in agriculture is growing. 

The quality of coffee in Honduras spans a huge range, from a lower-cost Central American blender coffee to a high-cost batch that rivals the acidity and flavor of a good-risk coffee. Marcala, Copan and Santa Barbara, Ocotopeque and other regions can produce high quality coffee. Honduras is one of the few productive countries, and countries like Costa Rica and Panama are experiencing land pressures for other needs, and the harvest of coffee is getting less and less. Honduras coffee can be from bright, acidic scent, light and sugary sweetness, more caramel, lower acidity coffee, and espresso is good. 

For many years, there has been little talk about Honduran coffee in the professional coffee market. We participated in some early cupping events and saw great potential cup quality before the excellent cup test came to this country, but in wet processing and coffee drying technology issues. Although the education of farmers in Honduras has greatly increased, the new challenge is plant diseases like Roya, which is a very large impact for small farmers who lack resources to fight this fungus.



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